dust jacketの例文
- The leather-jacketed, unsmiling photos on recent dust jackets don't do Cornwell justice.
- They are big, serious-ish books; Scribner even classed up their dust jackets.
- I loved the dust jackets that it put on everything, even paperbacks.
- The book is covered with a semi-transparent glassine dust jacket for protection.
- The author named on the dust jacket was Sheik Osama bin Laden.
- *Literarture's Nancy Drew Dust Jacket Collection : What is " Literarture "?
- The front cover mimics the first edition dust jacket, silk-screened in black.
- :: : A children's book is often hardcover with no dust jacket.
- The dust jacket notes that the author was " born in 1908 ."
- Clancy's name is emblazoned on the dust jacket in letters 2 inches high.
- The original hardcover edition was issued with dust jackets in two complementary designs.
- The dust jacket features an illustration by 5-time Hugo award winner Ed Emshwiller.
- This art later appeared on British dust jackets for this volume in 1960.
- You will find them all there, back of the dust jacket.
- The first five Hardcover Line books were released without dust jackets.
- The plot is a sizzler, as they say on dust jackets.
- He never knew dandies like the ones on a dust jacket.
- Of course, I'll give you a quote for the dust jacket.
- Some works included an original dust jacket, however intact copies are increasingly rare.
- Another roadside pose, minus the chair, appears on the dust jacket.